Thanks for the replies and the news. It is really appreciated.
I am still safely ensconced on the Island despite fears of the Bermuda Triangle! And the hurricane season. Harvey isn't having any major effect on us, unlike Texas, though we have had more wind and a number of heavy downpours. I am working on the 'Maureen humidity index' - it requires only a pair of sunglasses and will measure both the speed and the depth of puddling of sweat above the lip of the sunglasses as they rest on your cheek!!!! Might have to add in a further measurement - how many times the puddle is emptied!!!! It is being refined before I apply for the patent!!
View from my office |
Work continues to be pretty quiet, so I am struggling to keep myself occupied. I have continued to work to and from work and enjoy the flowers - numerous azaleas, in different shades, this flowering tree; I have also some mangrove crabs and a heron or two.
We also boated out to the wreck of the Vixen - a ship that was sunk in the 1800's, in order to block the mouth of the bay and watched numerous fish surface to eat bits of bread. Further snorkelling was enjoyed in Somerset Long Beach area where we all lucky enough to be able to swim alongside some of the turtles. A magic day.
Sunday I wobbled down to Hamilton on my scooter, through numerous puddles but between downpours, as I needed food plus a supply of 'quarters' so that I could use both the washing and drying machines.The rest of the day was spent a quietly, catching up and the rainbow baby blanket grew a bit. The scooter and I are still living in an uneasy peace - I both struggle to get moving - the foot doesn't really want to leave the ground on take-off; plus I have developed a rather large bruise on my right forearm, from trying to get it back on it;s stand after we have gainfully manouvered our way through traffic - slow and steady!!!!! However I did venture out to Horseshoe Bay on Tuesday afternoon and the confidence is growing. It was so nice to get into the sea and I spent some time watching families and couples in the water. There was a group of 3 young girls, playing mermaids - the one even had a single tail flipper which fitted over both feet!
Horseshoe Bay on Tuesday Evening |
The 'symbiotic' relationship between my bike and me!!!! |
I have also paid a visit to the local wool shop and bought some Lionbrand Mandala wool to make a baby's blanket, so am haaaaapppppy!!! though am battling a bit with the pattern that I have chosen!
This coming weekend is the Labour Day weekend, so I am not working on Monday. There is a sand-castle building competition at Horseshoe Bay that I will probably go and see and I want to investigate the Blue Hole and Coopers Bay island - the weather is due to be decent!
Go well and enjoy spring!
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